Welcome to Remedial Polymath. 

Remedial Polymath is a podcast first and foremost, however, you can also read each episode as well. This is because the episodes are written out first, which is necessary because this is a research based podcast that take a lot of time for each episode. This may be different than the interview only based podcasts you may be accustomed to. So feel free to use this site to check out the references for each episode, see some visuals that go along with the episode, or to just read it if that’s your preferred way to take in the episodes.

You may find this podcast on whatever your favorite podcast app is as well as on YouTube (links are below).

PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP, could you please rate and review and this podcast on whatever app you prefer. If you enjoy the show – even just a little bit – could you share it on the social media platforms you use. Also, just tell your friends and family about it, each episode is a labor of love and every little bit of sharing it counts!

It has often been correctly said that, “the more you learn, the less you know.” At Remedial Polymath we’d like to add, “the less you know, the wiser you are.” So, let’s try to get wiser at an accessible and fun pace. At least that’s the idea for now. Thing could most definitely change along the way. 

Please consider assisting (just a cup of coffee worth would be great!) the show by joining its Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/RemedialPolymath (Open for show topic & perk recommendations via Patreon).

To follow the show on Twitter/X just search Remedial Polymath, or the handle of RemedialPolymth or by going to https://twitter.com/RemedialPolymth.

To follow it on Instagram just search Remedial Polymath, or the handle of remedial_polymath or by heading to https://www.instagram.com/remedial_polymath/

To listen to Remedial Polymath on your favorite podcasting app just visit https://remedialpolymath.podbean.com/

To visit the youtube page head over to www.youtube.com/@remedial_polymath

You may also listen to the episodes below.